What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) involves the use of hormones that are molecularly identical to those naturally produced in the human body to supplement declining levels associated with aging and other medical conditions. Unlike conventional hormone therapy using synthetic versions, bioidentical hormones have the same chemical structure as hormones produced by the adrenal glands, ovaries, and testes.

When administered correctly under medical supervision, BHRT can provide improved wellbeing, vitality, and quality of life. The goal is to restore optimal hormonal balance unique to each individual.

BHRT is available in various forms including pills, skin patches, gels or creams, injectable preparations, implants, and suppositories. Custom-compounded BHRT solutions can be tailored specifically for each patient.

Why Hormone Levels Decline

Hormone production peaks in our late teens to early 20s, then slowly declines roughly 1-3% per year from our 30's onward. Factors like stress, poor nutrition, toxins, infections, injuries, genetics, and underlying medical conditions can accelerate this decrease.

Common symptoms associated with hormone decline include:

  • Fatigue/low energy levels
  • Weight gain and increased body fat (especially abdominal fat)
  • Poor sleep quality and insomnia
  • Low libido, sexual dysfunction
  • Loss of muscle tissue, reduced strength
  • Depression, mood swings, irritability
  • Reduced mental clarity, poor memory and focus ("brain fog")
  • Hot flashes, night sweats in perimenopause and menopause

Our Services

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

Comprehensive lab testing allows physicians to accurately gauge individual hormone levels and determine if medical intervention is warranted.

Initial baseline labs generally include:

Lab Test Description
Estrogen Measures estrogen levels
Testosterone Measures testosterone levels
DHEA Measures DHEA levels
Thyroid (TSH, free T3, free T4) Evaluates thyroid function
FSH, LH Measures follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone
ACTH Measures adrenocorticotropic hormone
Cortisol Evaluates cortisol levels (salivary circadian rhythm or 24-hour urine free cortisol)
Vitamin D Measures vitamin D levels
Blood Cell Counts Evaluates red and white blood cell counts
Metabolic Panel Assesses kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and more
Inflammatory Markers Measures levels of inflammation in the body

Follow-up testing performed at regular intervals monitors progress and ensures proper hormone dosing.

Seek balance, restore vitality.

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Choosing the Right Physician

Finding a highly qualified healthcare practitioner is crucial for successful long-term results with bioidentical hormone therapy.

Ideal candidates possess specialized training, remain current with the latest advancements in endocrinology, use high-quality medications, and employ proven treatment protocols. Blood labs from experienced labs should be used to accurately determine customized doses meeting individual needs.

At Vitality Medical Center, our physicians have over 25 years of experience safely and effectively helping patients correct hormonal deficiencies using bioidentical hormones.

HRT Medication Options

There are advantages and disadvantages associated with different types of delivery methods:

Oral HRT

  • Convenient pill form - easy to administer
  • Absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract into the hepatic portal system
  • Significant first-pass metabolism occurs in the liver prior to circulation
  • Increased risk of side effects in some patients

Transdermal HRT

  • Topical gels/creams or skin patches
  • Avoids first-pass liver metabolism
  • Steady absorption providing stable blood levels
  • Site skin reaction possible with patches
  • Variable absorption through the skin

Injectable HRT

  • Administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly
  • Enters systemic circulation without passing through the liver first
  • Allows precise dosing
  • Longer interval between doses
  • Improved patient compliance/consistent delivery
  • Temporary discomfort from injection

Sublingual HRT

  • Rapid absorption directly into the bloodstream
  • Convenient oral spray or drops
  • Very short activity, then rapid clearance
  • Frequent dosing schedule required
  • Useful for symptoms needing quick relief

Pellet Implants

  • Bioidentical hormones compressed into very small rods
  • Inserted under the skin during a brief in-office procedure
  • Long-lasting - slowly release hormones for 3-6 months
  • Most stable serum levels
  • Additional pellets required after depletion

Our Bioidentical HRT Treatment Protocol

The Vitality Medical Center follows proven and effective protocols refined over decades, helping thousands regain health, vitality, and improved quality of life.

Each bioidentical hormone therapy plan is completely customized based on the patient's:

  • Chronological age
  • Physiological age
  • Genetics
  • Metabolism
  • Lifestyle and health history
  • Presenting symptoms
  • Lab test results

Starting BHRT Therapy

  • Initial consultation collects health history, lifestyle factors, and symptoms
  • Physical exam assessing current health status
  • Comprehensive lab panel analyzing hormone and biomarker levels
  • Development of customized rebalancing protocol - medications, dose, and method
  • Second appointment schedules treatment once the plan is finalized
  • Follow-up lab panels and adjustments ensure optimal therapeutic levels

We utilize only the highest quality bioidentical hormones in various proven delivery methods - oral, topical creams, injectable preparations, and sustained-release pellet implants.

Seek balance. Restore vitality.

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Common Bioidentical Hormones Used in BHRT


Primarily produced by the ovaries, estrogens play vital regulatory roles in female health, including:

  • Bone density
  • Skin elasticity
  • Muscle tone
  • Cholesterol levels
  • Body fat distribution
  • Vaginal tissue health

Estrogen dominance is linked to fatigue, weight gain, fibroids, PMS, endometriosis, and certain types of cancer.

Low estrogen after menopause causes hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and irritation, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis in later life.


Progesterone works synergistically with estrogens throughout the menstrual cycle and in the production of other essential hormones.

It is crucial for regulating the menstrual cycle and supporting successful implantation during pregnancy. It also activates libido and sexual response.

Low progesterone after menopause contributes to sleep disruption, anxiety, and depressed moods.

Bioidentical micronized progesterone used in BHRT helps restore youthful hormone balance without increasing cancer risks associated with synthetic progestins.


Smaller amounts of testosterone are also vital for physical, mental, and sexual health in women. Low free testosterone contributes to low libido, fatigue, weight gain, poor concentration, and irritability.


Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is produced by the adrenal glands and then converts into other essential hormones like testosterone and estrogen. Levels peak around age 25, then steadily decline.

Supplementing low DHEA with bioidentical versions alleviates inflammation, boosts immunity, increases lean muscle mass, promotes bone growth, and lifts moods.

Thyroid - T3 & T4

Every cell in the body depends on thyroid hormones to regulate metabolic activity. Even small deficiencies impair cell function and generate unpleasant symptoms.

Custom compounded, sustained-release T3/T4 thyroid hormone helps restore healthy metabolic levels in hypothyroid patients.


Melatonin helps regulate sleep/wake cycles, reproductive health, and provides powerful antioxidant benefits. Levels decline with age.

Low doses of bioidentical melatonin before bed reinstate healthy sleep patterns.

Lifestyle Recommendations for Optimal HRT Results

  • Balanced nutrition plan - organic whole foods, lean proteins, complex carbs, healthy fats
  • Regular exercise - both aerobic & strength training
  • Stress management - meditation, yoga, massage
  • Adequate & consistent sleep
  • Smoking cessation & limited alcohol intake
  • Scheduled checkups & lab testing

Adhering to optimal lifestyle choices maximizes the therapeutic response for those undergoing bioidentical hormone replacement protocols. Our clinicians provide comprehensive guidance and monitoring.

Vitality Medical Center - Trusted Leader in BHRT Since 1997

The highly skilled practitioners at Vitality Medical Center leverage decades of experience to help patients regain their health. We provide fully customized bioidentical hormone therapies meeting the unique needs of men and women wanting to regain vigor, mental clarity, and better quality of life.

Vitality Medical Center reopened in 1997 under new ownership intent on providing the highest quality care. Our longevity and countless 5-star reviews reflect a deep commitment to earning patient trust. We continually earn a ranking among the top BHRT facilities nationally through applied clinical excellence.


Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can be a safe and effective way to alleviate symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances and age-related hormone decline. By working with experienced healthcare professionals and following a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your individual needs, you can improve your overall wellbeing, vitality, and quality of life. If you are considering BHRT, contact Vitality Medical Center for a consultation and learn how our customized approach can help you achieve optimal hormonal balance.

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